Co-Creation Lab

Co-CreationLab is an organisation and a platform for the development of visionary youth leadership around the globe, founded by Indira Hasimbegovic and Rita Christina Biza in 2006. It is based on the idea that social change and tranformation in social, political, environmental, disciplinary or economic fields depends on the ability of the world today to recognise young people as resourceful, innovative and responsible creators of tomorrow´s world. It equaly depends on our responsibility and ability to create educational spaces that nurture, celebrate, promote and encourage the innovative youth spirit.


It is central that we focus on developing, nurturing and enouraging the visionary spirit of the youth in the world.

It begins with n education based on the principles of responsibility, co-operation, tolerance, diversity, holsitic understanding of the world and sustainbaility.

In order to nurture the potential of the visions that the young people carry, we must help them to develop their ability to:

- take seriously their dreams and visions

- identify and navigate by their own unique values

- understand their life in relation to the whole

- recognise their pioneering potential

- think proactively, responsibly and visionary

- exercise responsibility for the whole in their actions

- work in co-operative and co-creative spirit

- carry the vision to concrete manifestation

- practice the change they wish to see manifest


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Projects: Dreamers Inc. - description

Dreamers Inc. is the pilot project in which Co-CreationLab models the approach and the idea that a small group of people in one place can change the world, as long as they have visions and a strong sense of personal leadership in the world.

The Childrens Home in Usa River, Tanzania houses some absolutely amazing children that we work together with. We see them as having the potential to become new leaders in Africa and as co-visionary spirits in bringing forth a different world. We see these children as an exceptional resource to generate change. They all go to school, they have each other, they are curious about the world and importantly - THEY HAVE DREAMS!!!

Our wish is to work with their leadership potential and to help them bring forth the amazing creational power through serious work with their visions. And at the same time, we have as much creational inspiration to get from them, and as much new space to explore. Thus we see this encounter as a true co-creation, from which a unique dream for humanity will originate.

The principle behind the project is sustainability. We think that aid and donations keep the order where some are givers (they have) and some are receivers (they have not). Instead, we wish to work from the place of abundance and start with the notion that everyone can have/is entitled to resources, and that there are enough resources to go around (and more), only if we dare think differently and relate to each other differently. So, for us it is important that this project can generate resources through co-operation/partnering/co-creation. It has to be a win-win for everyone involved - because we want to model that this can benefit everyone who particpates. In this regard, people who particpate are more than just involved - they are co-creators. What we are looking for are other people who share this passion and vision, who have ideas and who dare dream big. If this sounds like something you would like to contribute to or help co-create, then do not hesitate to get in touch.

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