Co-Creation Lab

Co-CreationLab is an organisation and a platform for the development of visionary youth leadership around the globe, founded by Indira Hasimbegovic and Rita Christina Biza in 2006. It is based on the idea that social change and tranformation in social, political, environmental, disciplinary or economic fields depends on the ability of the world today to recognise young people as resourceful, innovative and responsible creators of tomorrow´s world. It equaly depends on our responsibility and ability to create educational spaces that nurture, celebrate, promote and encourage the innovative youth spirit.


It is central that we focus on developing, nurturing and enouraging the visionary spirit of the youth in the world.

It begins with n education based on the principles of responsibility, co-operation, tolerance, diversity, holsitic understanding of the world and sustainbaility.

In order to nurture the potential of the visions that the young people carry, we must help them to develop their ability to:

- take seriously their dreams and visions

- identify and navigate by their own unique values

- understand their life in relation to the whole

- recognise their pioneering potential

- think proactively, responsibly and visionary

- exercise responsibility for the whole in their actions

- work in co-operative and co-creative spirit

- carry the vision to concrete manifestation

- practice the change they wish to see manifest


Saturday, September 15, 2007

About: Indira's profile

Indira is a dynamic coach and trainer, who works from the idea that every person is absolutely unique and has limitless potential to create, change or transform anything.

She believes that the horizons and limits of the possible are determined only by our imagination, and that if we want to cause change or create something new, then our dreams and imagination are the most important and powerful resources. She works from the vision of opening up the space in our thinking for the new, the incalculable, the unique and the unlimited - that is, for a world and a future thought in terms of irreducible and endless potentiality. Her dream is, for this notion of potentiality to become an integral part of our thinking, being-in-the-world and relating to each other.

As a coach Indira specializes in working with people who have a vision of bringing their knowledge and expertise towards innovation on a common platform, who are willing to explore and be adventurous, and who dare dream big.

Indira’s academic background is in international politics, with a strong focus on critical philosophy of 20th Century. She has a Masters in Critical Security Studies and a Bachelors in International Relations from University of Wales. Moreover, she is trained in advanced Evolutionary Leadership and Coaching, at the Evolutionary Institute in Copenhagen.

Currently, Indira is the owner of the company LifeXlode, which is a platform for her creative work, coaching, proces facilitation and workshops. She is an active member of Pioneers of Change, currently in the proces of creating an alternative focus on the future for the Global Climate Summit. She is also the initiator of Belaj Kru, a creative space in Copenhagen, with the vision to promote the multicultural spirit in Denmark through music and creative events. She has also co-edited and published a volume about the future of deconstructive philosophy - "Derrida: negotiating the legacy".

Indira has a special gift of bringing together different disciplines and establishing connection between initiatives from various platforms by identifying the larger, common vision and movement behind them.

As a person, Indira is adventurous, explorative and energetic. She loves creative arts, philosophy, writing and music, and is increasingly fascinated by the new paradigms in science and social scien´ce. Her next creative projects involve creation of visual music, work on a book of aesthetics and design for the future.

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