Co-Creation Lab

Co-CreationLab is an organisation and a platform for the development of visionary youth leadership around the globe, founded by Indira Hasimbegovic and Rita Christina Biza in 2006. It is based on the idea that social change and tranformation in social, political, environmental, disciplinary or economic fields depends on the ability of the world today to recognise young people as resourceful, innovative and responsible creators of tomorrow´s world. It equaly depends on our responsibility and ability to create educational spaces that nurture, celebrate, promote and encourage the innovative youth spirit.


It is central that we focus on developing, nurturing and enouraging the visionary spirit of the youth in the world.

It begins with n education based on the principles of responsibility, co-operation, tolerance, diversity, holsitic understanding of the world and sustainbaility.

In order to nurture the potential of the visions that the young people carry, we must help them to develop their ability to:

- take seriously their dreams and visions

- identify and navigate by their own unique values

- understand their life in relation to the whole

- recognise their pioneering potential

- think proactively, responsibly and visionary

- exercise responsibility for the whole in their actions

- work in co-operative and co-creative spirit

- carry the vision to concrete manifestation

- practice the change they wish to see manifest


Saturday, September 15, 2007

About: The idea behind the initiative

If we were asked to imagine any world, what would it look like? What if it were possible to create the kind of world that we imagine?

Well, we at Co-CreationLab think that we as humanity can do just that – we can create any reality and world we wish. Our best and biggest resource is our ability to imagine and to create, each in a unique way, and this unique capability and potential needs to be nurtured and developed. Change does not occur with a mindset focused on the ”same”, but through visionary spirit that streches the boundaries of what was perviously imagined as possible. And while it may be called reaching for the stars, both history and today’s world show us that those who dare dream of doing the impossible, are the ones who succeed in making it possible. They understand that the reality we live in is fixed only as long as we don’t ask any questions. That the boundaries of the possible are set only by our imagination. The question, then, is: How big do we dare dream?

We at Co-CreationLab are convinced that the bearers of innovations in our world are and will be those who in their unique way and through visionary spirit dare imagine and create new and different things. And the world is abundant with unique spirits – every single human has a potential to create global change. This, we belive, is what we need to see in the world! We need to see and work with this abundance of human potential! AND WE NEED TO BEGIN SEEING THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG PEOPLE AS ABOSLUTELY CENTRAL TO THIS!

For this reason, Co-CreationLab has made it its mission to facilitate new co-creative approach in the work with young people around the world on developing their unique, personal capabilities, on bringing forth their visionary potential and on partnering with them on manifesting change in the world.

In our traditional educational to ”get things right” according to some preconcieved formulas, we miss and even restrict the biggest resource of all. In the attempts to implement programmatic solutions, we do not engage with the human potential to imagine and to create something new, unseen and unique. So how about talking this potential seriously? How about seeing developing countries as places from which new ideas and solutions for the entire world can originate? What if we partnered to imagine and co-create a different world? What if we enagaged curiously and authentically with each others? What if we enquired what the dreams and the visions of youth are? What if allowed them to create spaces that foster innovation and novel way of thinking? What if we valued their original and different view of the world?

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