Co-Creation Lab

Co-CreationLab is an organisation and a platform for the development of visionary youth leadership around the globe, founded by Indira Hasimbegovic and Rita Christina Biza in 2006. It is based on the idea that social change and tranformation in social, political, environmental, disciplinary or economic fields depends on the ability of the world today to recognise young people as resourceful, innovative and responsible creators of tomorrow´s world. It equaly depends on our responsibility and ability to create educational spaces that nurture, celebrate, promote and encourage the innovative youth spirit.


It is central that we focus on developing, nurturing and enouraging the visionary spirit of the youth in the world.

It begins with n education based on the principles of responsibility, co-operation, tolerance, diversity, holsitic understanding of the world and sustainbaility.

In order to nurture the potential of the visions that the young people carry, we must help them to develop their ability to:

- take seriously their dreams and visions

- identify and navigate by their own unique values

- understand their life in relation to the whole

- recognise their pioneering potential

- think proactively, responsibly and visionary

- exercise responsibility for the whole in their actions

- work in co-operative and co-creative spirit

- carry the vision to concrete manifestation

- practice the change they wish to see manifest


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Projects: Dreamer's Inc. - Babuu's message

The second phase of the project in Tanzania has just been completed and we are now back in Denmark. Once again, it was a rewarding and an inspiring experience to work with the Dreamers Inc. group. Much focus this time was devoted to sharing and working on their dreams and visions for the future. We worked on creating supportive structures and networks, building the team spirit, clarifying the individual values, identifying stregths and opportunities, planning and learning how to navigate towards the goal.
Towards the end of our workshops, Babuu (16) showed us a letter that he and his friend have written about the needs of education in Tanzania. We find that it displays an amazing sense of perspective, responsibility and visionary leadership. We also find that there is nothing more inspiring than these qualities blossoming in the hearts of young people.
Please read Babuu's letter below:


Our development in Tanzania will be
achieved by ourselves. To help us achieve sound growth, we invite knowledge, guidance and resources from beyond our borders. Our own desire to progress will win co-operation from others, especially our elders.

The sound education of our youth is the foundation for a bright future. Each generation of adults must invest in the youth to ensure a better future. While we focus on our youth, we include concern for our natural environement, forests, plants, birds, animals and fish.

It takes a short time to do something correctly, but it takes a long time to explain why it was done incorrectly. Let us choose accuraetly and make the right choice when a choice has to be made.

An education which does not encourage concern for the environment is like a beautiful flower whihc has no attractive odour. Such a situation is of no benefit to society. Our youth need to be proud of what we achieve rather than simply acknowledge what others have accomplished. creative, inventive and revealing of trust. Thinking and talking is of no use without supporting action. We must work in order to deliver the goods. We want to be

Another consideration is that the education of our youth will enable them to recognise the problem facing society, and following this recognition is the need to find a solution to the problem, which will involve participation by the local community.

Another aspect of this sound eductaion is that our youth be happy in their environment. Happiness leads to freedom from burdens of dictatorship, terrorism, corruption and poverty. A good education is the pathway to happiness which in turn leads to successes. If youth loves what it does now, it will bring sucesses in the future.

Success breeds sucess.

It is better to light a candle than blame in the dark.

Prepared by

Hemed Abdalah


Tumuombee Richard - Babuu

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